On the Cutting Edge . . . Beauty Breakthroughs on the Horizon

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2015 is set to be an exciting year for new cosmetic procedures. At The Derm Institute, we are always on the cutting edge to deliver the newest and best procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology. Below are soon to be offered brand new procedures to keep you confident and happy in your skin.

1. Restylane Silk for “smoker’s lines”, “lipstick lines”, or vertical lip lines.

Modified 11/22/06 19:03 AlterImage® V3.10Repetitive puckering of the lips from pursing or frequent use of straws and water bottles can cause creasing wrinkles around the mouth area. Restylane Silk was recently approved for use in the United States by the FDA to treat these pesky “smoker’s lines” that age the face. Dr. Chiu is one of the first injectors to offer this product exclusively to TDI patients before its official launch. Restylane Silk differs from classic Restylane, in its particle size. Because of its makeup of finer particles, Restylane Silk will be a “fine line” filler, perfect for those stubborn thin smoker’s lines around the lips, or other fine, shallow lines that can look etched in the skin. The smaller particle allows for a smoother, less bulky fill for a more natural appearance.


  • Vertical lip lines or “smokers” lines
  • Etched lines on the cheeks or in the smile area
  • Stubborn forehead or glabellar etching that is not fully treatable with just a neuromodulator such as Botox or Dysport
  • Horizontal necklace lines on the neck area

2. VANQUISH for the thighs, hip area, and arms

At The Derm Institute, we have been getting amazing results around the abdomen, flank, waist, and back with non-invasive fat elimination utilizing radio frequency with the VANQUISH system.  We are now introducing a new subsystem to use the same efficient, yet comfortable technology to treat the thighs, hip area, “saddle bags”, and arms.  Unlike some of the other fat elimination systems in the market, VANQUISH is unique in that it can treat a more comprehensive area:  such as both the inner and outer thigh to reduce the entire thigh circumference if desired.  Treatments will be once a week for 4 weeks, with each treatment lasting about 45 minutes.


  • Inner thigh and outer thigh contouring and reduction in fat
  • Reduction in excess fat around the hips or “saddlebags”
  • Inner knee fat pockets
  • Upper arm fat for more attractive contours

3. Kythera ATX-101 

This is procedure in late clinical trials with the FDA, with likely launch in early 2015. Kythera ATX-101 is what Dr. Chiu considers a “game changer” in the rejuvenation of the face and neck. The procedure consists of a series of simple injections in the area under the chin and jawline to reduce the fat and sagging that occurs over time. This is a first in class non-invasive cosmetic treatment to better define the jawline by treating the underjaw and underchin fat. Fat is disrupted by ATX-101 and clinical studies show some possible collagen stimulatory effects that tighten the area and allows for a more defined jawline and neck.


– For the treatment of a “double chin”

– For the treatment of fullness or jowls around the jawline and neck area

– In expert hands, for the treatment of other small areas of stubborn fat pockets such as the neck and arms.


. . . Shared by the TDI Team